This was one of my favourite photo shoots last year. I had the stunning Ela Ray Markstein to work with as a model and a plan to create a simple, dark, vulnerable yet dangerous image for Pacific Opera’s 2015 production of The Cunning Little Vixen.
I was working with the talented team of designer Jacqui Bundy and director Michael Campbell. They were both supportive of my idea of simple beauty lighting combined with a low shutter speed on the camera to capture the movement and motion blur of Ela’s hair from a fan placed below her. The tricky bit was to keep Ela’s face sharp and focused in what was at times a windstorm of hair but as soon as the first frames appeared we all knew this was going to be something special.
The lower middle image was used for the Opera but there were so many amazing shots a triple Triptych seemed a perfect solution and a compelling personal project.